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What is the Worth Listening Podcast?
In short, it’s a podcast about all things money! Our guests are millennials and professional athletes because what better way to learn than from peers in a similar situation.

Host Lauryn Williams, financial planner and Olympian leads in-depth conversations with guests, having them share what she calls their "money memoir" to offer insight into how money works in their sport or profession.

Learn more about Lauryn and Worth Listening at

May 25, 2021

This is the “Know Better, Do Better” series born from the countless conversations two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals, Lauryn Williams and Chloé Moore, have about the trendy narratives and clickbaity articles that make it hard for them to help their clients. They want to help you gain financial confidence and clarity to control your destiny.

In this episode of the series, Lauryn and Chloé begin a three-part series on investing. It’s easy to think that you need to start investing without really understanding what it is, how it will help you, or the best strategies to make your money work for you. But when it comes to investing your money, you don’t want to just follow what’s trendy at the moment. It’s important to understand investing, what your goals are and how to make it work for you.

In part one of this series, Lauryn and Chloé help you understand the basics of investing. They talk about:

  • Why investing is important
  • How investing makes your money work for you
  • Why you need to cover your financial basics first
  • The Importance of understanding the risks
  • Tips for diversifying your investments
  • Public investments vs private investments
  • Alternative investments - what they are and what you should know about them
  • Why you need to understand your investments and not just follow the trends

If you want to further connect with Lauryn Williams:

If you want to further connect with Chloé Moore:

Shared quote: "Don't look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack!" — John Bogle


Coming up next

The next episode of the Know Better. Do Better series, is Investing Part 2 covering the different types of investment accounts and strategies.